
Chat Interaction

Reaction to others

!hug <user> or !kiss <user> to show how you appreciate someone

!stealing <item> to accuse someone of stealing and try to get half of it as a bounty

!rip <user> to at least light candles for someone

!dab to show your favorite dance move

Reaction to SpikyJohn

!sjEating to let everyone know that SpikyJohn is eating right now

!sjToilet to let everyone know that SpikyJohn is on the toilet right now

!sjDrinking to let everyone know that SpikyJohn is drinking now

!sjDancing if you see some dance moves

Game Interaction


!gg will say GG in cozy way

!dead if something bad happened

!win if you saw that win coming

!hype if you feel like rollin

!killest <user> to show who is the best killer

!heli to show your inner beast


!machinegun to show to everyone how a true gun sounds


!drop will randomize next drop location in the Fortnite (like for example Tilted Towers)

!fnStats will show SpikyJohn's Fortnite stats. Tip: You can write there your name and check your own stats

!epicname to see SpikyJohn's Epic Name so you can copy&paste it

!patch to see last Fortnite patch notes. Additionally, you can get a notification for every upcoming patch if you join us on Discord

!fnKeybinds to see current Fortnite keybinds

Challenges, make my game harder!

Pay 1000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeRandom which will randomly select one weapon's color that I'll have to play with for a next match

Pay 2,000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeColor <color> and select one weapon's color that I'll have to play with for a next match

Pay 2,500Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeWeapon <weapon> and select one weapon type that I'll have to play with for a next match

Pay 2,500Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeWeaponsFromStart so I can play whole match only with the type of the weapons that I was able to pick up in the starting island

Pay 5,000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeNoWeapons and force me to play next match with no weapons

Pay 5,000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeNoShields and force me to play next match with no shields

Pay 5,000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeNoHealing and force me to play next match with no healing

Pay 10,000Γ— 🌟 for a command !fnChallengeDie <cool way to die> and select the way how I'll die in the next match

Social Media









!time my current time so you can check how it differs from yours

!uptime to see how long SpikyJohn has been streaming

!nextstream will display when next stream is about to start related to your timezone

!schedule to see what's usual SpikyJohn's schedule

!watchtime to see how long you or !watchtime <name> someone else has been watching SpikyJohn

!accountage to see how old someone's account is

!followage to see how long you or !followage <name> someone else has been following SpikyJohn


!commands will lead to this list of all commands

!hosting so you can see who's currently hosting SpikyJohn. Anyone who is hosting SpikyJohn will get 100 SpikyCoins upon hosting. You can do that too ;)

!website or !web or !www to show link to this website

!mod to check how to become a moderator

!grow to see what's planned when the stream will grow and what will get improved

!nextgames games that we will play on stream in the future, mostly community voted

Support SpikyJohn

!benefits to see all subscribers benefits

!tip if you want to donate. Donation will be shown in the video. You can add some text to it, cool video or a meme

!sub to see how you can mean a world to me

!subinfo for more information about subscribing

!prime or !sub4free to see how to connect Amazon Prime and help me achieve my dream

!merch so you can see what's in the SpikyJohn's eshop


!loyalty or !leaderboard to check up the leader board

!points or !coins to see how many SpikyCoins you have

!top points to see top 5 people in the current leader board (alternatives: !top alltime, !top online, !top offline )

!givepoints <name> if you want to transfer your SpikyCoins to another user

Having Fun

Song Control

Due to copyright issues it's no longer possible to play your requested music in the background of the video.


!duel <name> <points> to duel another chatter for points. Another chatter has to confirm duel by writing !accept or !deny. Duel can be cancelled by !cancelduel

!roulette <poins> to try your chance in roulette, can you win it?

!contest to see current contest, and !bet to bet in it

!join to join active raffle for SpikyCoins


!age so you can know SpikyJohn's age

!brother to see some info about SpikyJohn's brother

!from to see where SpikyJohn is from

!bestgames if you are thinking what to play next and you are looking for exquisite experience

!played to check all the games SpikyJohn played ever since

!equipment to see the PC SpikyJohn is playing on

!girlfriend to see my gf's name