Thank you!
My deepest thanks to
My deepest thanks to
- My family & girlfriend.
- My subscribers & donators.
- My followers, fanitoos & partners in crime.
More specific thanks to
More specific thanks to
- Goidsemedime for being the best brother ever.
- SpikyMary for being the most supportive partner.
- Elad "KAFEEEEEE" Vaknin for thousands of matches in first Overwatch season. Been a privilege to be his support.
- Top20 for grinding together for world's top players in Perandus league in Path of Exile.
- HeXeNcz for nonstop playing with me in early Fortnite games.
- My clan members back from old days.
- TrashSVK for being the first subscriber. Noone can beat you in that, buddy! :)