Your Every Krunker Idea.

I have collected every suggestion YOU wrote down in 2019.

After making the last video what happened in Krunker in 2019, I couldn't stop asking myself a question - what is about to come in 2020? If you ever asked yourself this question, this text and follow up video is for you.

Preparation for this article

I was trying to prepare for this video as much as possible.

  • We discussed this on Twitch for hours.
  • I've read around 130 Twitter suggestions, using search and checking other streamers.
  • I've read 500 Reddit posts containing the word "suggestion" using
  • I've read 3779 Discord suggestions. Downloaded via DiscordChatExporter.

What is being worked on?

I'm not going to include here suggestions that were proposed multiple times in the past and therefore started being very vocal and everyone knows about them. Also, I'll be skipping all the proposals that are being mentioned in the Krunker changelog. The main purpose of this article is to focus on things that can happen, were suggested and there is a chance that can be forgotten.

If you're interested in what's being worked on, click on the List of things that are under development

List of things that are under development (click here to open)

So here's the list of things that were (or at least supposedly) under development at the time when work on this article started (January 20th, 2020).

Make speed FPS independent

The frame rate should not affect the speed. The most vocal thing that is being constantly mentioned on the forums is that there is a big advantage for users with higher FPS. Which basically makes the game "pay to win" for people who have powerful computers. This is because the movement speed, and shooting speed in the game is affected by the current frame-rate.

There are multiple approaches to how other games solved this issue. Some problems can be solved by delta-time variable, but that can break up the physics. The most full-depth solution out there is probably fully-fixed timestep, which can both work in multiplayer and in the case of creating replays.

"Please make the game so everybody can bhop the same with 60 or 1000 FPS" ~u/xSyncShadow, u/Serqio22

Weapon balances

I'll just skip this one. Everyone has its own opinion on how weapons should be balanced and most of those opinions can be harmful to the game as it is. Such as "delete sniper" or "remove shotgun" proposals.


Let's be honest here. This doesn't have a solution. You can't make a great defense when you don't know from which side the next attack will be coming. The anti-cheat will always be going to be trying to catch cheaters after they occur. If you want to know more about this problem, there's an amazing elaborate on it on Github by Inusha (hrt).

Higher Tickrate

Higher Tickrate can help with landing shots and the overall smoothness of the game. This is probably mainly dependent on upgrading the servers. I'm assuming this brings additional costs in the case of servers.

Battle Royale

The first documented mention of Battle Royal dates back to January 2019. It's a very popular game genre and Kruker can benefit from it. ~u/TheJewHunter88

Friend list

This is another very vocal suggestion happening on social media (ex. AdoreMe#5506).

Counterargument: I never used this in games personally, because when your friends start playing a different game, you lose contact with them. Social media are usually more helpful. It kinda feels like reinventing a wheel every time. I don't find it that necessary in today's world, but I could be looking at it from a different perspective as I'm a streamer so I have set up ways how I communicate with people.

Password changing

In the current state, the game has no automatic password change system or forgot password system. It's currently done by sending an email to the Yendis company. I've heard from some people that they haven't got a response for days. Having this automatic also removes the burden from the Krunker team. ~owosync#1049, Jesucristo#0069


There's a big demand for renaming ability. Either for in-game currency or for real money. ~u/DepressedLlama777, Madman#3041, KaitoNeo#4721, DaBass#7358


Two classes that have been mentioned, but potentially scrapped during the process of development are Flamethrower or Arsonist, and Shield class (ex. u/NovaAge). Later on, in this article, there are some suggestions to make them more fun.

Next, a very vocal idea is trading 1v1. There is a serious counterargument for this, as it can be used for market manipulation and will be harder to detect than in case of market manipulations with the current state of trading.


Multiple rumors are going around. One that I'd like to mention is that they’re trying to get Krunker partnered with Twitch and get Twitch loot boxes or something. They’re also thinking about Krunker being put on Steam. When will it happen, or if it's too early for that, we will see.

This whole page is a script for the upcoming Youtube video. Hit a subscribe and stay tuned!


Link your socials


Voiced bonuses

Active mods menu

User Interface

  • Rework menu window, so it's not taking just a small space in the middle. If it's bigger, it's less scrolling
  • Being able to link socials to your profile, such as Twitch, Twitter, Youtube ~@CrayonTTV
  • Tooltips for settings in the menu, sometimes its confusing, ex: lag compensation (What does it do? What should I set up there? Should i set larger number or smaller?)

Scoring Animations


  • The special mod tab where you can see all your active mods, ~Juliustanktv, XFlaw, Ttv_Badkid, u/Arae
  • Way to turn off mods without disabling them all
  • A possibility to turn off just parts of the mod (sounds, textures, models). Sometimes mod has amazing textures and models, but terrible sounds.
  • Favorited/saved mods/maps button in each section, so you can easily find your favorite mods, ~Slq
  • Dropbox is too complicated for some people. If possible make the uploads direct to the server, but beware security problems.
  • Ability to delete old or outdated mods or rename them, ~Slq

The current menu needs a lot of scrolling because being design is limited by the window in the middle

Inventory menu example with tags, sorting and search


Inventory overhaul

Easier market

Clan communication

Clan grouping



  • Inside clan communication, aka "announcements"
  • Clan management, co-leaders that can accept and kick people
  • Ability to transfer ownership
  • Hackers should have red color in your clan page, ~Bob Roberts#8551, fire_rice#1144, Pickle#1621
  • Seeing other active clan members & ability to join them, ~@Nezloe
  • Last login, grouping players by activity, ex. show players active last week, ~gnnrskl#3600, Blossome#9846
  • Circle graph that displays who contributed how much % of the points for a clan, ~It'sYaBoy#1289
  • Clan leader-board can display levels, not just points
  • In the clan menu, show clan's current position in the leaderboard, idea how it can look like, ~Bunnings Snag#8888

Clan page shows current position on the leaderboard

Clan page showing management and members active last week


Chat improvements



"Krunker Hub needs redesign for better experience and interaction with it." ~Benjamin#0008

Detailed stats for every weapon or class

Global stats for every weapon or class can help with balancing


Mute ambient sounds

Celebrate new patch with KR

Fuzzy search

Undo button

Map menu

Flag carrying confusion

Screen lock

User Experience

Overcome annoying

  • Ability to mute ambient sounds in the settings. Marketplace and some maps play repeated music that can get obnoxious with a time, ex. Minecraft Village, Giant Steps. ~Podra#5969, Quacky#1337, Yeety#8420
  • Celebrating a new patch. AFK Arena game gives diamonds to players with every released patch based on the size of the patch. It incentives people wanting new patches as they get "benefits" from it. Giving KR every patch with the ability to collect it only 24h after the patch could be it. It also improves people's idea about the journey of the game and what's next.
  • Search should take into consideration typos, aka fuzzy search, more:

Clear the confusion

  • Map menu instead of minimap that is being suggested a lot. The menu that you can optionally get into and see where you, objective and your teammates are standing. This will get also handy for the Battle Royale. ~Sarim#0963
  • Ability to undo actions, aka leaving the clan, deleting the clan, posting an item on the marketplace, etc. Don't use prompts as users are blindly accepting them anyway. Possibility to undo stuff 15 seconds after is enough. Undo functionality is better than prompts because when people undo things, they are free to repeat that action when changing their minds again. ~@MickeyZ, Bob Roberts#8551
  • New users are having a problem with changing weapons first time being in Krunker, make some optional entry tutorial or (better solution) try to change the UI so it's less confusing. This needs being UX tested on users that never played this game. ~u/HikingCloth
  • It's difficult to tell if carrying the flag (especially in the heat of the battle). Make it more pronounced by seeing it as an icon around your cross-hair or change border around the screen
  • Change hardpoint color based on which team is contesting it, ~Zahseh#0001

Loading the game

  • When first time loading Krunker, it should not immediately join you into the game and if so, it should disconnect you in the background. If necessary to use loading screen to distract waiting players, it could be just a simple map of the loading map made by Slymex, ~@Moon#0122
  • No more screen lock after the lobby ended, it should be possible to go to the menu and back, clip explaining the issue, ~XSyf0, Wu Chang Tan#7163, RoyceRemix#3641, SharpieMarker#2095
  • Don't get disconnected from the menu. This should happen in the background so you can still use the menu and when needing the game, just refresh/click
  • Reduce the number of people connected, but not playing, aka /connected problem, ~Electrized#1337

The fuzzy search takes into consideration typos, mistakes or unfinished queries

Map menu that shows your position, objective and teammates, this will become handy for Battle Royale mode


URL proxy

Closing game accidents

Mouse buttons rebind

Email verified badge

Quality of Life improvements

  • URL proxy, so you can play in school, when is blocked by school IT admin, ex. ~u/AWOIII, Oxiclean#0797
  • Disable accidents with a closing game with ctrl+W in a browser by prompt(); or at least give some people an option to set this thing up. This prevents accidental ctrl presses instead of shift. Additionally, some people have crouch on ctrl and crouching and pressing W to go forward will close the game. Problem solved on ~u/Bellamybug,
  • "3D partying", aka you look at the person, highlight him, and invite him to the party, more at proFi#9010
  • Make the shift key allow you to go down ladders, "naked ladders" in customs are painful for new players, ~CrushforceX#4278
  • In games with 4 players and fewer players, it's not possible to vote kick people. Make it so half of the current players should be enough for successful voting. ~TriggeredBro

More customization

Less repetitive actions

  • Ability to open multiple loot boxes, aka ”open 10 at once”
  • A button that directly goes to class menu selection, ex. (,) button
  • Ability to select more than 1 custom map while making a custom game
  • Predefine skins that you want to play with and then randomize skins from this selection every game, ~u/user20461


  • Optional email verification for accounts. This will give you some "email verification" badge or perk on the Krunker social page. This could be done without collecting the email or other data (EU regulation), such as: send us back an email that will contain this randomized hash: <generated hash that's gonna be processed>. ~u/MasterH7244, Imperial_MSM#8228, Golden#2207, TheLlamaMomma#6969, WRE_Freeze#1831
  • Two-factor authentication support to prevent stealing accounts, ~matt-roh#4093, Skinner#1979
  • Avoid list, a list of players you want to avoid. Before entering game, you would get an info "hey, there's a player who you want to avoid, wanna stay in this game or search for new one?", example of game that uses avoid system, avoid list is better than reporting because you can collect a data on people who others don't want to play with on a higher scale and without too many repetitive report requests, that needs to be manually processed, ~Solar13#3470, ZR1#8922, stalls#7196
  • Verified ticks in the chat to prevent fake accounts mixing in the chat, ~AdoreMe#5506

URL proxy for schools who banned domain

Option in the settings: prevent Ctrl+W closing the game when playing in the game (menu not open)







Colorblind Mode

  • Shift the hue of the game to pronounce colors that color blind people are having problems to see. Such as Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, ~One Eyed Owl#5575
  • Health bars are barely visible for some people, ~u/Tjwysk


Automated Verification. Currently, verification is basically random and heavily timezone dependent. Make it automated "clout based" system, using what is already in the game. People can farm clout via followers on their social page, up-votes on their mods and maps, their general score and ELO average. So promoting your profile and mods shows how much reach you have. ~Xsyf0. Counter idea: or you can add links to social media, more at @StreamSpikyJohn

Replays and Spectating

  • Ability to record replays and then rewatch them in close, ~@Goatrix, u/AloisDaBoss, xoty#6554
    • Games that did it right: Fortnite, CS:GO
  • First-person spectating, also related to rewatching replays
  • Photograph mode, ability to turn on/off UI in the game with a set key, helps with making content, u/GengarTheLegend, 3ggo#6296

Optional killcam

Before going into the game after getting killed, there is a necessity to click to get in. After getting killed, you can optionally spectate the last 3 seconds before getting killed. This can bring more clarity on how the enemy killed you and "if he's really a hacker" or if he just saw you. Counterargument: not so good, slows the game, replays are better.

Commands (click to open)

Most ideas suggested by @Solar13#3470

Host Commands

/kick [player name], kicks player from server

/ban [player name], permanently bans the player from the server

/gmute [player name] *[time/min], host command to mute player globally in server

/roundend, ends/restarts current round

/migrate [player name], give host to another player

Player Commands

/commands, lists available commands, host's if host, etc.

/suicide, kills yourself after 10 seconds timer, useful in some custom games, ~xXJackattackXx#2262, KaitoNeo#0323

/mute [player name] 15, ignores specified player for 15 mins, chat and voice chat

/avoid [player name], avoids specified player. When joining a new game with this person, the game asks you if you want to play with this guy or find another server.

/spec, die and go into spectator mode

/host, lists who the host is

/invite [player name], invites the player to current game or party

/claninvite [player name], invites player to clan

/clanrequest [clan name], sends clan request

/to [player name], sends a message to the specified player or just mentions him in the chat

/party, sends a message to your party, Maroe#6671

/clan, sends a message to all online clan members

/report [player name] *[reason], adds a report / flag on a player

/votekick [player name], votes to kick a player, the majority needed

Creative Commands

Those had to be specified if on or off in host settings.

/teleport [player name] *[here], teleports to a player, or a player to you

/speed [speed value], change player speed in-game

/grav [gravity value], change player gravity in-game

/health [health value], change player health in-game

/jump [jumpforce value], change player jumpforce in-game

/strafe [strafe value], change player strafe speed in-game

/team [team value], change team in-game

On top: Ability to avoid players. Better than reporting, because it doesn't need a team going through reports. It can show up a message after joining with a question if you want to join another game.

Left side: showing different color blind illnesses


  • Be able to buy KR not only with PayPal but Visa cards, ~42fusion
  • Battle Pass, 5$ okay, 10$ too much, inside ex. 1-2 contrabands, 1 relic, 5 epics, 5 rares and 5 green, ~42fusion, XFlaw, Skinner#1979, some more suggestions: u/EverythingKrunker. Counterarguments: "don't make it pay to win" was mentioned a lot, no one was directly against the idea of Battle Pass
  • With the daily KR, there could be a small percentage of getting a skin instead of KR, ~lXxMangoxXl#8878
  • Item Shop where you can spend KR instead of loot boxes (spins), ~Jesucristo#0069
  • For every day you log in a row, the more KR you get, ~4tapp#8612



  • Boosts for higher chance drop-rate for relics and contrabands. Let's say you pay 10$ and then contraband drop-rate turns from 0,5% to 2,5%.
  • No ads mode, for real money
  • XP boosters for real money, ~Pyro#5390

Limited time

  • Double XP week, ~@KrunkerNews
  • From time to time, free item in the shop for a limited time
  • From time to time, remove KR limit per game for either one day or few games in a row, ~u/power_gaaz



Quick melee


Ranked seasons

Draft mode



  • More servers, South America, Africa, Middle East, ~Danxrk
  • Quick melee button. Makes quick melee kills faster and more fun to do. No need to swap weapons around and removes confusion when thinking what weapon is equipped now. Just press a button that automatically hits anything in front with a knife. Inspired by bash technique from CoD 2. ~Anatomically Incorrect#1640



  • Ranked seasons where leaderboards reset with seasonal ranked rewards (sprays, bodies, heads, guns for higher tiers) and #1 gets a 1 of a kind season [whatever season it is] gold spray (silver and bronze for 2nd and 3rd) or some amount of KR, ~BadNoozBear
  • Weapon limit, ex. could be only 1 of each class, ~Danxrk
  • Draft mode, every group is banning some classes, first choice with higher ELO
  • Remove name tags in comp during the game
  • Design revamp for the ranked queue with friends
  • Ranked should give score and KR, not just ELO, ~XSyf0


  • Similar-rank matchmaking. Although this can slow down connecting to a new game, it would be cool if Krunker took into consideration the levels of players in the games. There's a study on game toxicity and the more time spend with the game, the lower it on average is. ~u/ramdoge86416
  • Hardpoint: the longer you stand on the point, the faster it generates points. Encourages to stay on the point and not wander around. Vertix based. ~u/dabsallovar
  • "Player dominating" or "Bounty" mechanic. If a player kills you a few times in a row without you killing them, they are "dominating" you, for which they got some points. If you then kill them, you get "revenge" points. ~u/ElderflowerJesus, Kedima#1951, Caden#3810
  • Disable Spectating in the Hide and Seek mode or at least the chat for spectators, as it can be used to locate those hiding, ~Cartographer#0352, Pistul

Inspecting knife, first idea

Inspecting knife, second idea



Aim Training

Skull system

Special powers


Wager matches


Zombies are having problems when battling players with a shotgun as they can get into locations where zombies cant. Zombies could get some additional movement, such as crawling. Crawling can be balanced by being harder the longer zombie is doing it. So let's say you go towards a wall that you wanna crawl, you start smashing space button to start crawling there. The longer you crawl, the faster you need to regularly smash space else zombie falls.


Aim Training, add ability to use NPC or stationary or (randomly) moving bots, so custom map makers can make "aim training maps", ~u/realmendriveww2tanks, u/wolfanity

Challenge mode

Skull system, multiple skulls where each skull gives you a downside, ex. 1 hp, no regeneration, no sliding, slower reload, reduced damage, no secondary, death if you miss, marked for death (everyone can see you), reduced damage, etc., each skull activated adds a +0.25% KR multiplier, ~CoolAsianGuy55#6735

New modes

Search and Destroy

Very popular game mod from other games. Counterargument: it's not very fast-paced, probably not fitting Krunker fully. ~@nVKrunker, u/Colinder77

Superhero mode

Everyone can collect "special powers" by grabbing them from hardpoint-like locations. Powers will be limited to only a few seconds. ~ChimpChimp#3420

  • Red: you basically become temporarily a boss (a character with 5000 health)
  • Green: armor, when someone is shooting you, he gets damaged by 50% damage he deals
  • Blue: you deal 25% more damage
  • Yellow: you're 50% faster
  • White: invisibility, when not shooting, you are invisible

Protect the payload or person

You have to protect an objective, could be moving or stationary, Overwatch inspired, ~Killerclown

Reverse Gungame or Random Gungame

Gungame going from hardest to easiest and vice versa, or completely random, ~u/123XASSASSINX123

Wager matches

1v1 matches, where both you and your opponent puts some amount of KR, and the winner takes it all, ~u/xdcj

Heal for kill mode

Gain health on kill option (when hosting custom games), ~Pugstomper#1735, hu hu hu#5841

Level road-map, a page that shows you where you're standing and which rewards you're gonna get as a next one

Skull system, multiple skulls where each skull gives you a downside. More skulls activated, higher the KR gain multiplier

Challenges & Achievements

Having challenges or achievements gives additional purpose because leveling itself can feel overwhelming and boring, this can add engagement. Game UI that has it done right is Fortnite. Examples of ideas what to track could be head-shots, wall-bangs, getting levels as a class, kills while mid-air, getting a kill-streak. Suggested by multiple people, memorable mentions: @mojoishott, u/ZanderGuadalupe, u/AvengerFan_Krunker, sven#9825, Fake#9655, avery#7928.


The movement was always something that made Krunker stand out. Even Sidney mentioned in his streams once, that he was thinking about every class actually having a different movement style. Here is the list of all your suggestions that are different from what we already have in the game.

New movement techniques

  • Grappling hook
  • Short distance teleports, inspired by Tracer from Overwatch
  • Crouch jump, crouching for some time will let to jumping higher, similar to Baptiste in Overwatch, ~Dinou
  • Rolling, inspired by McCree from Overwatch, ~CoolAsianGuy55#6735
  • Wall kicks and wall jumps, inspired by Lucio from Overwatch, ~LonkNotLink#6209, Harry#7343
  • Gliding or some type of slowing the speed of falling, inspired by Mercy from Overwatch
  • Crawling up the walls for zombies, already mentioned
  • Dash-punch, already mentioned

Movement idea: Wall riding, wall jumps, wall kicks

Movement idea: Short distance teleports



  • The runner should have "abilities" that activate with RMB (this would be disabled in bhop/parkour maps)
    • Short distance teleports, in a similar way Tracer is made in Overwatch
    • Temporary speed buff
    • Dash-punch, jump through someone and do a dmg to him. This would need some balancing so you can do it only once per some time, ~KNIGHT#5247
    • Wallrunning, ~u/AloisDaBoss, rat#9457
    • Energy shield mechanic, already mentioned, ~Mmmat#1808
  • Headshots, punch in the head does more damage for a runner, ~BasicallyEgg#4414


Movement idea: Dash-punch, jump through someone and do a damage to him

Healer class idea: shooting teammates to temporarily add them hp

New: Shield Classes

  • Shield class, it was originally scrapped due to not fitting the fast pace this game has. The follow-up idea is to use "energy shields", secondary like guns, that only reduce incoming damage based on current movement speed, so it won't slow down the pace of the game and only fast-moving people get the most outcome from the shield. This should have max value based on the speed that's possible to achieve on 60 or lower fps machines
  • Defender, Riot shield class, ~KNIGHT#5247
  • Heavy Tank, a character that uses a primary weapon that shots "lead bullets" that disarm the enemy. Disarming can be used only once per a while and is chance-based. When the enemy is disarmed, he needs to collect its primary weapon from the ground, ~u/WhiteWolf_Games

New: Healing Classes

  • Healer/Medic, based on Ana from Overwatch, but it's not actually healing when hitting your teammates, just only temporary adding to their health (or giving temporarily "shields") like +20 hp per shot. There would be a time limit, so you can't add more than 60 hp until the first addition fades down. Additionally an ability to resurrect player in your location for every 5 kills or every 30 seconds, ~Jackson.killer514#8808, zine675#2282
  • Heal & Steal, a class that spawns medkits or shields around, based on Torbjorn, ~Triassic#9732

New: Other Classes

Plasma Rifle, right-click makes slow projectiles

Gun accessories


  • Modified versions of the guns, slower or faster, with more or less damage. But they would have active requirements such as having 10k kills with a sniper or making a point system (1 kill = 1 point), if you die you lose a point, ~Dinou
  • Gun accessories, ex. the figure attached to a weapon, ~Dinou, u/topnotchmatt, evildrporkchop66#5453




  • Compressed list of games aka matchmaker API. When there are 8 users from 8, those games should not be listed, it's not necessary to potentially "leak" that info
  • Is it possible to get into games just after clicking "click to join"? Currently, there are lots of servers that are full, but when checking /connected there are 3-5 people sitting in the menu
  • Accounts clearing, bot accounts aka the ones that have 0 min playtime, every year check activity and remove people inactive for last year or two
  • Different map quality settings, higher settings with higher quality textures and more objects, and low settings with flat textures, without so much detail to increase frame-rate on weaker PCs. ~Moura#2821

Custom games

Battling trolls and cheaters

  • Custom games for people with set account level. So if the game host sets 10+, only those accounts can join. Setting the number to 1 will just trim out guests. ~Tatsu, KraXen72#9190, 0sdrawkcaB#7388
  • Give custom game makers the ability to prevent guests from writing to a chat as you can't ban people raiding your games with a VPN. Sometimes just recreating a game isn't an option, for example hosting a bhop map
  • Add reason to the bans so it's less confusing and adds feedback to those kicked/banned
  • Ban not only by fingerprint but also by account. Currently banned people can rejoin with the same account when they use VPN. It feels like a bug more than a feature. Current settings don't help battling trolls. ~Equinox#9457
  • Ability to catch vulgarities, toxicity, personal info or unwanted words, but for the whole custom server. It could be a simple field where you can write a regex that catches words defined by a custom game maker, but the list would need to be shared on the go, idea based on StreamElements, ~@StreamSpikyJohn


  • Simon Says revamp. Simon should not be killed by others.
  • Option to disable shotgun boost, ~XSyf0


  • Give an ability to game makers to include the "saving code mechanism" that old games used. Once the player gets past a gate, he will get a code that he can rewrite/save somewhere and use the next time he gets into the game. This could be account locked and generated from MD5 hash, so it's unique for every account. This will prevent people to share codes between themselves.
  • Resizing GUI: optional resizing in all directions or only in one, ~u/Flowixz
  • Moving objects, ability to create a platform which moves periodically up-down or left-right, ~waterbob#2517


Most of those ideas are too futuristic, that they are not possible to happen anytime soon. Maybe in a few years.

User Experience



  • Gravity points, ability to make a custom map where part of it has completely different gravity, ex: for example making space map with planets, original suggestion: ~u/NextUpMoreAwesome
  • Fall damage (in custom games), ~Hoodgail#5408


  • Ability to edit stats of each gun in custom games, ~Hedgewig#8379